November 1, 2024
Birmingham, Alabama
Call to Prayer by Patricia Bootsma
An invitation is being given to join a global community that will couple prayers with the added dimension of fasting during the 21 days leading up to the Day of Atonement, September 22 - October 12. We are contending with worship, prayers, tears, travail, and fasting for an end to the war, pushing back antisemitism, and awakening in Israel to a complete restoration of the Father’s purposes for the land and the people.
Fasting refers to self-denial or abstaining from ‘comforts,’ usually some foods or drinks. For an extended fast, some may take liquids such as soups and juices or partake in a Daniel fast, eating fruits and vegetables but avoiding meats, sweets, and bread. Some utilize media fasting (movies, TV, social media, internet). In whatever form, we are refraining from fleshly desires in order for the spirit to arise and seek God’s hand to move in answered prayer. How a person should fast is individual and based on the leading of the Lord. Invitations to a corporate fast are for the greater power invoked in a united fast. Corporate prayer and fasting cause corporate results.
You will be tempted on a fast. Donuts will show up at work, someone will make your favorite meal, you will be invited to an amazing steak house. If you falter in the fast, push delete and get back on it. God sees the heart. And the time you would spend cooking or eating may better be spent in more prayer, Word time, or soaking in God’s Presence. Although we are fasting with a focus on Israel, we will be changed in the process. Fasting can be arduous at times, physical strength may be abated, and there will be temptations to quit. Most often, the rewards of fasting are not seen until the fast is over. Yet, a spiritual strength arises out of a voluntary physical weakness. An awakened sense of the greatness of God emerges.
There are many scriptural examples of fasting. Samuel, Ezra, Esther, Elijah, Daniel and David are some examples of those who fasted and saw breakthrough as a result. David said he humbled himself with fasting (Psalm 35:13). The annihilation of the Jews was thwarted as a result of God’s intervention after the fast Esther initiated. Daniel was on a 21-day fast when he was visited by an angel who instructed him that from the first day he had humbled himself in prayer and fasting, the angel had been sent to come. The archangel Michael was needed to take out the demonic entity over Persia. The angel said to Daniel (10:2-3), “...your words were heard, and I have come because of your words.” How incredible that fasting and prayer can move angels in and demons out!
We pray for all of you participating in the fast as well as for Israel and the Jewish people. In the words of Isaiah 58, in this fast may the following be accomplished for all and Israel:
Your voice will be heard on high (vs. 4).
Your healing will spring forth speedily, your righteousness will go before and the Glory of the Lord will be your rear guard (vs. 8).
You will call and God will answer (vs. 9) and He will guide you continually (vs. 11).
Lou Engle once said,
“Unshackle yourself from the chains of unbiblical rationality and allow yourself to experience a measure of awe of the God who speaks. Like Jacob, when he had a dream, let us say, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the gate of heaven and the house of God! We need an Awe-Awakening.” Abraham Heschel said, “More is learned in one moment of awe than in a lifetime of calculation.”
Let’s all enter this 21-day fast to set our hearts to stand in greater awe of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as He beckons us to fast and pray for His firstborn Israel (Ex. 4:22).
October 12, 2024
Washington, D.C.
The Lord is summoning A Million Women, Esthers, young and old with their husbands and children to gather to the Washington DC Mall October 12, the Day of Atonement, in a LAST STAND moment for America. Join a million women on the Mall in 
Washington, D.C.
Heather Johnston, USIEA Founder and CEO, will be speaking at the National Mall. We hope to see you there!